Proof-of-quantum challenges
Pauli Group is using NFTs on to measure and protect the future of blockchains from quantum attacks.Why?Because along...
The imminent evolution of quantum computing threatens the security and integrity of your data, and will soon be after your crypto encryptions.
Our smart contract wallet uses compact post-quantum signature schemes to safeguard assets from quantum computers.
An evolving eco system for your post-quantum secure assets. A home for your coins, NFT's and private keys that are actually yours.
Pierre-Luc and Flo discuss the threat of quantum on crypto projects, how crypto owners can stay secure, and what the future of regulation looks like amidst this looming threat of quantum computing…
Each time you sign a transaction on a blockchain, it uses a cryptographic method which can be broken by the quantum computers coming…
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But quantum computing won’t have an upper hand at breaking a Lamport signature. Our smart contract wallet uses compact post-quantum signature schemes to safeguard assets from quantum computers. We deploy Lamport signature functions across all ETH and EVM blockchains to strengthen security, move funds, and create and manage tokens and currency.
Protect your assets from the regret of hindsight with our (quantum-proof) smart contract wallet.
Quantum-resistant signatures are the future of secure blockchain. Create your wallet now.
Simply minting your smart contracts future-proofs your blockchain assets seamlessly, invisibly, and quickly by anchoring your signature on the blockchain.
Your keys are your property and will remain that way. No one can access your info, you can’t access theirs.
You only need one physical wallet, and the same goes for your digital one.
Anchor Wallet puts the power back into your wallet. Only you have exclusive control over your funds so you’re the main authority over your financial future.
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Quantum computers were not considered to be likely built in the 21st century when secp256k1 was chosen as the signature method for Bitcoin in 2008. secp256k1 is one type of public key cryptography method (which is analogous to sharing an opened lock to a friend, who locks a message in a box and only you have the key to open the lock and read the message). A public key on the secp256k1 elliptic curve can be broken for its private key by Quantum Computers in less than a day. Our wallet upgrades/protects your ETH and EVM blockchains now so you don’t lose later.
The security of the elliptic curve depends on the difficulty of solving discrete and uncommon logarithm problems, which quantum computers can do easily. A better known, widely used public key cryptography method is RSA. RSA security rests on the difficulty of factoring large numbers, which quantum computers are also good at. For the current implementations, secp256k1 is easier to break with quantum computers than the commonly-used security benchmark, RSA-2048. RSA-2048 will likely break a few months after secp256k1. When we hear “quantum computers are good at factoring”, this is often in reference to breaking the security of RSA. For blockchains the equivalent statement is that “quantum computers are good at discrete logarithms”. The fact that there is more jargon involved may partially explain why the problem is not well known for blockchains.
Pauli Group is using NFTs on to measure and protect the future of blockchains from quantum attacks.Why?Because along...
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Sollicitudin massa maecenas purus adipiscing egestas natoque fringilla odio ac sodales
Sollicitudin massa maecenas purus adipiscing egestas natoque fringilla odio ac sodales
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Sollicitudin massa maecenas purus adipiscing egestas natoque fringilla odio ac sodales
Sollicitudin massa maecenas purus adipiscing egestas natoque fringilla odio ac sodales
Sollicitudin massa maecenas purus adipiscing egestas natoque fringilla odio ac sodales
What IBM has to say
What Amazon has to say
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore